Shipping in: time to buy

10 August, 2017



We recently spoke to the team at Famous Pacific Shipping (FPS) about the process of importing a vehicle into New Zealand, and if you’re thinking of doing so, the best thing you can do is keep an eye on the NZD–USD exchange rate. Exchange rate fluctuations can make a significant difference in the final price you end up paying for an imported vehicle.

At the time of writing, the New Zealand dollar has dropped from a high of US$0.75 to the dollar, but still strong at $0.73 — up from May’s US$0.68 rate. What this translates to in everyday English is that, if you’re thinking of importing a car from the US, this is not a bad time for it — although, going forward it will be worth keeping an eye on rate changes. We have embedded an exchange graph updated daily, which will give an idea of how it’s looking. 

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When we talked to the team at Famous Pacific Shipping (FPS) about this, they mentioned that importing doesn’t have to be as daunting as it is often made out to be. If you have found the vehicle you’re after, they are able to assist you right through the importing procedure. 

Based in the USA, Don McIlwain — also known as ‘Hemi’ Don McIlwain, for his extensive knowledge of all things Mopar — is a key member of team, with a strong background in the automotive industry. Don has attended the last few Beach Hops with the FPS team to meet happy clients and liaise with potential new clients looking for something special. He works closely with clients to find the right car in the best condition for the price specified, with his range of services available at Having him on the team ensures peace of mind knowing the same team is handling everything from start to finish. 

Don actually helped to source the beautiful ’66 Dodge Charger owned by Rodney and Zeta Holland — a genuine 426 Hemi-powered four-speed car — that New Zealand Classic Car magazine have been fortunate enough to feature in an upcoming issue. Watch this space for the feature, and to find more information on importing a dream car of your own, visit


This could be good news for restoring cars and bikes – but we must be quick!

Our parliament is currently considering a member’s Bill, drawn by ballot, called the ‘Right to Repair’ Bill.
It’s due to go a Select Committee for consideration, and we can make submissions ie say what we think of it, before 3 April this year. It’s important because it will make spare parts and information for doing repairs far more readily available and this should slow the rate at which appliances, toys and so on get sent to landfill.

1959 Sunbeam Alpine: A road trip with Lady P

The romance of the road
The South Island begins to reveal its unbelievable beauty and clarity of light as we weave and bend past mountain peaks, blue flowing rivers, and bright green forests. Today, while the cutlery wheel continues to chime, there are no morbid rattles, and we are still alive. The road moves beneath us and I start to really understand what a road trip is all about: the warm analogue hum of the engine, the sensory overload of wind and sun, the dreamy pageant of shapes and colour that glides by like a movie set, not a cloud in the sky.