Braking news: Pit Stop’s reduced-price specials!

19 September, 2017

Time — the one thing we all want more of, but can never have. If you’re reading this, chances are you have a project car — or maybe even a few — taking up whatever time you can spare for the cause. It’s the cars we want to work on that take priority, which can make it hard to take care of the mundane attention your boring daily-driver needs. 

If you drive a 4×4, SUV, or ute, let the team at Pit Stop worry about that — for a limited time, Pit Stop are offering reduced-price deals on brake pads and rotors for 4x4s, SUVs, and utes. 
This offer isn’t going to stick around, though, so make sure you swing by your local Pit Stop, and if you haven’t even got the time for that, all you’ve got to do is visit the Pit Stop locations page here and find out which of the 45 branches is closest to you! 

To book online or see the offer terms and conditions, visit the Reduced Price Brake Special page here or call 0800 748 786. 

Design accord

You can’t get much more of an art deco car than a Cord — so much so that new owners, Paul McCarthy and his wife, Sarah Selwood, went ahead and took their Beverly 812 to Napier’s Art Deco Festival this year, even though the festival itself had been cancelled.
“We took delivery of the vehicle 12 days before heading off to Napier. We still drove it all around at the festival,” says Paul.
The utterly distinctive chrome grille wrapping around the Cord’s famous coffin-shaped nose, and the pure, clean lines of the front wing wheel arches, thanks to its retractable headlamps, are the essence of deco. This model, the Beverly, has the finishing touch of the bustle boot that is missing from the Westchester saloon.

Motorman: When New Zealand built the Model T Ford

History has a way of surrounding us, hidden in plain sight. I was one of a group who had been working for years in an editorial office in Augustus Terrace in the Auckland city fringe suburb of Parnell who had no idea that motoring history had been made right around the corner. Our premises actually backed onto a century-old brick building in adjacent Fox Street that had seen the wonder of the age, brand-new Model T Fords, rolling out the front door seven decades earlier.
Today, the building is an award-winning two-level office building, comprehensively refurbished in 2012. Happily, 6 Fox Street honours its one time claim to motoring fame. Next door are eight upmarket loft apartments, also on the site where the Fords were completed. Elsewhere, at 89 Courtenay Place, Wellington, and Sophia Street, Timaru, semi-knocked-down Model Ts were also being put together, completing a motor vehicle that would later become known as the Car of the Century.