Would you pay $420K for an Acura NSX?

Whoa, never in my life did I think that a Honda, or Acura in this instance, would sell for close to half a million dollars new, however Honda in Australia

Lamborghini gets a facelift: good, or bad?

For me, the later-model Lamborghinis aren’t the most attractive supercars out there. For some, their fighter jet–like appearance has them drooling, but for me, I like my supercars with a

The power club: HSV Clubsport LSA R8 powerhouse

  It’s hard to write something about the Holden Special Vehicles (HSV) range that’s not been said before. Terms like ‘bang for buck’, ‘value for money’, and ‘mind-warping performance’ all

Club Corner: Porsche Club of New Zealand

  The Porsche Club of New Zealand was established in December 1975 and had its 40th-anniversary celebrations in 2015. The club is number 54 of nearly 700 official Porsche clubs

Bangers and Ash: modern dilemma

I’m sure you’ve all heard the adage ‘you can’t beat modern technology’ — after all, technology’s something that permeates our daily lives, whether we like it or not.  I heard it bandied around

Pimp my ride, Canterbury style

  “No matter what has been thrown at Cantabs over the past five years, generosity in the south is still strong!” Many of us have heard of Make a Wish