
Uncles Club: track day initiated

Some of you will remember a few months back when I sold my 1991 Mitsubishi GTO — a car that I have wanted since I was young — to replace

Highlands 101: entire race production live!

If you didn’t catch the Highlands 101, which was held on November 15 at Highlands Motorsport Park, you can now watch the entire episode here. Kiwi Shane Van Gisbergen and

Emission update: Volkswagen find the answer

Volkswagen have been working as hard as possible to find the solution to put the emissions scandal that they’ve been embroiled in to rest, and it seems they’ve found it.

Black Friday: two Zs, a mall, and a pair of Hoonigans

Every time we get sent something from the crowd at Hoonigan, we’re never disappointed. It’s always something wild, loud, and outright Hoon-ish. This time around, Christopher ‘The Force’ Forsberg, and Ryan

BMW M3: an E30 dream becomes reality

Most of us can remember when we first became passionate about cars — and certain makes at that. For me, I remember getting a ride as a 10-year-old in a

Old Stig approves of the new Mustang

The all-new Ford Mustang has been singled out as being the ultimate stunt car by Ben Collins — best remembered for his role as Stig on a certain BBC TV

Audi Quattro: all-wheel drive dominance

  Audi Quattros have a very dear place in my heart. My first car was a 1989 Audi 90 Quattro, complete with five-cylinder 10-valve KV engine. It was fairly gutless,

East meets West with this oriental Colt Galant GSR

Japanese car culture’s expansion to the proverbial West continues to grow and grow, with an exponentially increasing amount of stories of cars like this beautiful Mitsubishi Colt Galant GSR, which now