
Revisiting Love’s Lost Studebaker

The near-mint, seldom-driven 1958 Studebaker Champion saloon that inspired Love’s Lost Studebaker (featured in the September 2006 issue of New Zealand Classic Car, Issue No. 189) sold on Trade Me

Larry Price recreates the car of his dreams

Larry Price still clearly remembers the excitement he felt as he heard the news — live — of the D-Type Jaguar crossing the finishing line in second place during 1954.

The Cord found up in the rafters

In 1987, whilst visiting a friend, Graham Gibson happened to glance up into the rafters of the large shed and noticed a pair of front mudguards that belonged to a

Wizard of Aus: an Airbnb barn find?

“Alright, alright,” I said, agreeing to a weekend away without cars. What was I thinking? What would I do? My wife and our two friends had booked an Airbnb in

Aston Martin leaks topless DB11 images

  “Aston Martin has teased images for a 2018 Volante D11, and we’re excited” In August just gone, we made our way to the Aston Martin DB11 unveil. A NZ$365K,